Golden State Warriors Game Day: Sights & Sounds From #WarriorsGround – #Roaracle In Full Force Despite Loss To Pacers


golden state warriors game day — #Roaracle on its feet! (Photo: Instagram account)

ORACLE ARENA, OAKLAND, CA — Here are some sights and sounds from the game last night. You can catch the recap round-up here.


Purple Nikes on MLK Day. The Golden State Warriors and Indiana Pacers at #Roaracle would represent the last of a full slate of games on TNT. Within the hour before tipoff on Twitter and Instagram, TNT would release a funny new commercial featuring Klay Thompson and Stephen Curry.

Andre Iguodala and Andrew Bogut got ready for the game, while Pacers coach Frank Vogel reflected back on a time when he coached Iguodala as a rookie with the Philadelphia 76ers, alongside “the other AI” (future Hall-Of-Famer Allen Iverson):

Vogel also admitted that he has been reaching out to other coaches about the case for Lance Stephenson being voted by the coaches as a reserve for the upcoming Eastern Conference All-Star team. It makes you wonder if Warriors head coach Mark Jackson would be doing the same for David Lee. Meanwhile, Jackson spoke about the significance of MLK to his livelihood:


The #LetsGoWarriors chants started early:

True to #Roaracle form, where there’s class, #WarriorsGround shows class. Case and point, ex-Warrior yeoman CJ Watson, now a critical role player on the Pacers’ bench:

// after a half of poor play, albeit attributed mostly to the first quarter, #Roaracle gave the home team some encouragement heading into the locker room:

Here are some pics from #WarriorsGround, in chronological order. Click on the pictures to see the score at the time they were uploaded to our Instagram account:

The Warriors often times wore their frustration on their sleeves:


There were quite a few calls, or rather non-calls, that the crowd was not happy about. For example:

The people sitting at the opposing baseline were given thundersticks, which drowned out any #RefYouSuck chants:

Dubs’ owner Joe Lacob looked about ready to launch his own #RefYouSuck chant from courtside:

The thundersticks were especially helpful setting the (loud) beat for many a #LetsGoWarriors chant:

Late in the third quarter, the Warriors had whittled a 20-point deficit to single digits, and #Roaracle was on its feet. The #LetsGoWarriors chants began. Witness 19,500 collective “Awwws” when Curry missed a critical three-pointer:

There’s just nothing like it.

Here are some of the game-closing timeout scores. There was also a Dale Davis (former Pacers great) sighting on the way to the post-game interviews.

After the game, Jackson said that the Warriors needed to take care of the little things, and they’ll soon become a “scary” team. Meanwhile, Curry echoed the sentiment, although the team probably got the same speech from Jackson prior to Jackson’s presser:

But team leaders Curry and Lee admitted that the team’s first quarter performance cost them the game:

[NOTE: Our Recap Round-Up for this game can be found here.]

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