Stephen Curry Under Armour Gold Shoes Commemorate The Grammys

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stephen curry under armour — Gold Grammy Shoes! (Photo:

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ORACLE ARENA, OAKLAND, CA — For tonight’s Golden State Warriors game against the Portland Trail Blazers, #DubNation’s starting NBA All-Star point guard Stephen Curry wore gold shoes.

We first caught wind of them after the pre-game press conference with head coach Mark Jackson, while on the way to the Blazers’ locker room for their coach’s press conference.

Curry was in his pre-game shootaround routine:

Then we spotted fellow teammate Under Armour endorser Kent Bazemore‘s Instagram post:

We got tweets like this from our followers on when Curry and Under Armour would release the different colorways that he’d been wearing, such as this one from the Christmas game against the Los Angeles Clippers, which was reported in our preview for that game:

After the game tonight, we caught up with Curry in the locker room and asked for an explanation:


“Ten thousand dollars a pair!” Bazemore yelled from across the locker room.

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