Stephen Curry Under Armour Rumors: At #Warriors Shootaround In ‘Secret’ Non-Anatomix Spawns


stephen curry under armour rumors (Photo: Instagram account)

WARRIORS PRACTICE FACILITY, OAKLAND, CA — Players wearing not-yet-released shoes during practice or shootaround is not a new thing. We’ve even seen it this year with Andre Iguodala in unrecognizable Nikes.

And while Stephen Curry said today during media availability that his latest pair is “secret” and that he’d have to put a towel over them to avoid any close-up shots, the fact remains, plenty of people have already seen them and today was at least the second time I’ve seen him wear them.

That’s a long-winded way of saying, sorry Steph (and UA), what Under Armour has up its sleeve may be secret, but I’m going to report it anyways.

The new shoe is definitely not the Anatomix Spawn, which Curry has become synonymous with since he announced his signing with Under Armour, such as with his gold Grammys version:

When I asked about them today after morning shootaround, Curry replied, “Aw yeah, these are…(hesitating)…these are secret. I’ll put towels over them, we’ll talk about those later.”

Curry has been on record saying that a signature line of shoes could be on the horizon.

Here are some highlights from Russ Bengtson of Complex’s interview with Curry last October:

Have you guys talking about signature product moving forward?

Yea, we talked about it but we can’t confirm that stuff, it’s still in the works and I hope that sooner than later we can let it be known what direction they’re going with that. But that’s definitely an opportunity that I wanted to pursue when switching over, to eventually have a signature shoe. That a huge opportunity and a big deal.
Do you look at the lifestyle component at all? Obviously with Under Armour being the newer company they don’t have that insane back catalog that Adidas or Nike does. Is there any talk about doing an off court shoe, something more casual?

We’ve been talking about it. And that’s what I mean about the possibilities and opportunities being endless. And I can have input about that along the way. They have a line, “Under Armour X” that has more of a fashion sense and style wear. Its higher-end stuff that you wouldn’t really expect from them, knowing their history. That’s why I said you can’t really talk about their past, its more about their vision going forward and how things will come out as we go on for the next five years of my deal. To be a part of that process and see it grow and every year it be something new, will be fun.
It should be interesting to see what they do. You’re their main guy at this point. So you go from that huge Nike pool of guys, like you said, it’s a lot less people

That’s the part that I’m excited about too. Really telling a story, as we go along. Hopefully there will be other, bigger free agents that will come along and believe in the brand just like I did, and they can grow with me. Hopefully I won’t be the last big splash at Under Armour.

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