Book Review: Dirty Water – A Red Sox Mystery

Book Review: Dirty Water - A Red Sox MysteryJere Smith from A Red Sox Fan in Pinstripe Territory sent me an advance copy the new book Dirty Water that he co-wrote with his mother, Mary-Ann Tirone Smith. The book is a mystery is set in Boston in the middle of the 2007 season. Together the authors spin a compelling murder mystery that Sox fans are sure to enjoy. While the story is about solving a crime, there is a good helping of Red Sox involvement; everyone from Big Papi to the Sox equipment manager makes an appearance. Jere’s outstanding knowledge of the Red Sox organization, its players and history is evident throughout the book. You do not have to be a diehard Sox fan to enjoy the book but if you are you won’t be disappointed.

The book begins with a baby that is left at Fenway Park and quickly evolves into a murder mystery that involves the Boston Police Department, the FBI, and a look at the shady underside of baseball. The characters and plot of the book reflect the social and cultural diversity of Boston along with great descriptions of the local geography. With well developed characters and a fast paced plot the Smiths have a solid hit that baseball and mystery fans will enjoy. I would suggest you get the book when it comes out next month and keep it for one of those winter months when you need a good Red Sox fix before spring training rolls around.

For more information and reviews of the book check out the book’s blog.

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