Stephen Curry Interview With Dan Patrick: #DubBracket, NCAA Tournament, And Playoff Goatees


stephen curry interview with dan patrick (Photo: Ronald Martinez/Getty Images North America)

Stephen Curry is a superstar on and off the court. He has the confidence but also the humility of a true star.

On Monday, Curry displayed this confidence on the Dan Patrick Show when he discussed his chances in the #DubBracket Challenge, the three-point shooting bracket challenge his Golden State Warriors teammates and coaches — although only head coach Mark Jackson remains alive after one round — are participating in, his defense, and more.

Curry came out and declared that he will win the Warriors’ #DubBracket Challenge.

“Guarantee it,” Curry said. “Klay Thompson will not be happy about that.”

Patrick questioned this statement, because he pointed out how Mark Jackson was able to beat him in a three-point shootout earlier in the season. Curry explained that he lost to Jackson because he was icing his shoulders right before they started shooting.

Curry also displayed confidence when discussing his defense, which has been highly criticized over the course of his career.

Patrick asked Curry, “Can you guard anybody?”

Curry answered without hesitation, “Of course.”

Curry credits his defense to his quick hands and his peskiness. He also claims that he tries to make his opponent uncomfortable on defense. These are all reasons why Curry believes that he could shut down Coach Jackson if he were to guard him.

“Shooting threes, he got the best of me one day, but I don’t think he can score on me,” Curry said about Coach Jackson.

In addition to his confidence on many levels, Curry shows a maturity way beyond his 26 years. When discussing the NCAA Tournament and any advice he had for Jabari Parker and Andrew Wiggins when deciding if they will enter the NBA Draft, Curry reflected on his own experience.

He said he thought about going pro for about a week after his sophomore year, but he decided to stay another year to learn the point guard position. His advice for Parker and Wiggins was to be comfortable with the decision they each make and cancel out any noise from others.

With that being said, he believes that both Parker and Wiggins are NBA-ready, despite the speculation that has surrounded both of them since their early exits from the NCAA Tournament.

Curry went through speculation as well about his size, his defense, and his ability to play point guard. He said people will always nitpick on how a player can improve, but he knows that Parker and Wiggins are capable of playing in the NBA.

Curry has always played with that underdog mentality, and he’s taken that with him in deciding what sponsorships he wants to be a part of. He chose Under Armour over other, more well-known shoe companies, because he admired the underdog mentality associated with the brand, seen in their slogan “I will.”

He also chose to work with Degree for the same reason. Curry said he likes their campaign about pushing yourself to do more, improve, and compete like an underdog. He discussed Degree’s “Do More” campaign on’s Eyewitness News on Monday.

The Warriors are ready for a tight playoff race in the West, and each player has their own method of preparation, on and off the court.

“Me and Klay are trying to get the goatees working for the playoffs…not shaping up too well though,” Curry explained.

Curry, with or without a goatee, displays such admirable confidence, and hopefully he can use that to lead the Warriors in a deep playoff run.

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