#Roaracle (aka Oracle Arena): My Happiest Place On Earth


#Roaracle (aka Oracle Arena): My Happiest Place On Earth (Photo: via @poormanscommish)

If you know me then you know that I have an unhealthy obsession with the Golden State Warriors. I attended my first game at a young age and have been captivated in what many people would say is “just a game” ever since.

Most people know of the happiest place on earth as Disneyland but my happiest place on earth is quite different. My happiest place on earth is: Oracle Arena at a Warriors game.

I don’t think people realize that there is a story behind my obsession with the Warriors. They think I’m just a crazy fan or I’m a bandwagon fan now that they’ve become a remarkable team. But I’ve been here. I’ve been watching. I’ve grown up with the team. I’m not saying I’m any better than the other fans, because I’m not. I’m saying that behind every obsession there just may be a reason as to why they’re obsessed and this is mine…

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