Going For the Jugular

Going For the JugularThe Boston Red Sox entered Yankee Stadium for one last series before the Yankees fade into oblivion. With a lineup that resembled a spit squad from spring training, they dismantled a team that already had one foot in the grave. Wake came off of the DL to pitch effectively for 5 innings giving up 3 earned runs and earning the win. The Yanks jumped to an early lead after Damon’s home run but the Sox quickly came back and had the lead by the third inning for good. Aside from Delcamen trying to let the Yankees back in the game, the pen was spectacular, especially Masterson getting out of a big jam. To add to the fun of the game the boobirds came out several times for A-Rod. Even if the Yankees win the next two games they will only gain one game in the race, they are fading away in front of their own crowd. I can’t wait to see the New York papers tomorrow as they rip their hometown team. But for those of you who can’t wait here’s a tidbit from the NY Times:

Rodriguez went 0 for 5 with two double plays, two strikeouts and a throwing error in the Yankees’ 7-3 loss to the Red Sox on Tuesday at Yankee Stadium….“It was an awful night,” Rodriguez said. “I pretty much screwed it up every way you can screw it up.” The Yankees are 11-12 in August, and Rodriguez has grounded into nine double plays in the month while hitting .238. If they cannot depend on Rodriguez in the clutch, the Yankees have little hope of a monumental comeback.

Red Sox win 7-3 BOX SCORE

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