“We Believe”: My Favorite Memory

It seems like it was just yesterday that the Golden State Warriors were playing in the 2007 “We Believe” playoff run and I have to admit that throughout all of the years that I’ve been going to the games, that has always been my favorite memory.

[EDITOR’S NOTE: This is Part One. Read Part Two here.]

It’s not just because the Dubs made it to the playoffs; if that was the case then I could say that the past two season’s playoff runs were remarkable as well, which is true.

The reason why 2007 was the most exciting for me was because the players and fans came together. We were there for the players and the players were there for us.

The best part about it was the fact that the players truly wanted this, and not only for themselves but they wanted it for the fans.

Warriors fans are so loyal and we stick by our team through wins and loses, which were usually more loses and the players understood this.

Jason Richardson and the team wrote a letter that was signed by the team that stated that the Warriors were going to do everything in their power to make sure that they were good enough to make it to the playoffs.

Well, guess what? JRich was being serious because it happened.

As a little 8th grader I thought that somehow and someway I was the Warriors’ good luck charm. I was thirteen and the Warriors hadn’t clinched a playoff berth in the same thirteen years — and I was in 8th grade and the Dubs were the 8th seed, upsetting the #1 Dallas Mavericks.

You see what I mean? I was convinced.

Now, I’ve never ever been disappointed in the energy at Oracle Arena. Even when the Warriors are losing, the energy is still high.

But during the 2007 NBA Playoffs, “#Roaracle” came to life.

It was like something out of a movie.

I remember seeing everyone’s faces, including the players. There was so much joy in everyone’s eyes, even the security guards. Every single person at #Roaracle truly cared about this team. You could just feel it.

There was one game where I sat next to Owen Wilson, Woody Harrelson and Kate Hudson. There were celebrities at the Warriors game, wut?!?

The Warriors playoff run -– mostly Baron Davis -– brought out a crowd that was so unfamiliar to Roaracle. It was like our tiny little “nobody” team became somebody in such a short amount of time.

“We Believe” was more than just something written on signs and t-shirts, it was real. It gave us hope. We put our faith into this team because we knew that they wouldn’t disappoint us.

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