A Thank You To Sonya Curry

In honor of Thanksgiving this past week, we would like to extend a big THANK YOU to Stephen Curry’s mother, Sonya Curry.

Curry was featured in Christopher Strachan‘s (@COSeezy) first episode of his new YouTube series “Kick’n It” and we learned a lot about Curry as he visited Strachan in a specialty shoe store in the Bay Area, from wrist bands to ankle braces. We also learned that he has a big family and a loving wife and daughter; however, his biggest fan seems to be his mother.

It may not be evident while watching Curry play, especially since his father is a former NBA player and taught him the art of basketball, but there are little things that the Splash Brother does on the court that are because of his mother.

If you look at Curry’s shoes, he has three things written on them: “I can do all things…”, “Romans 8:28” and “WSC.”

In the interview with Strachan, Curry explains that his mother texted him words of encouragement before his first college game. Those words consisted of Philippians 4:13 and Romans 8:28, which have now become signature trademarks on Curry’s shoes. “WSC” stands for Curry’s full name, Wardell Stephen Curry II.

If you watch Curry play, you know that after he scores a basket he taps his chest twice and then points to the sky. He referred to this as “Heart for God” and the inspiration for this came from none other than Sonya.

In “Kick’n It” Episode I, Curry tells the story of how that came to be a signature move for him. It started in college when, after the starting lineups were announced, he would find his mother in the stands, tap his chest twice and point to the sky and she would do it back to him.

This continued for a while and then it morphed into something that he did every time he made a basket.

By now, it’s even made it into NBA 2k!

Curry says it’s a “humbling practice.”

Recently, Curry has struggled with turnovers. He even posted a picture of an apple turnover on his Instagram page saying “Smh. It’ll change,” and he kept his promise.

In an interview with Diamond Leung of the Bay Area News Group, Curry stated that he’s cut down on his turnovers due to a bet that he made with his mother.

“Over two (in a game), I owe her some money,” Curry said. “And the Phoenix game, she racked up pretty heavily. So if I go below two, I get the money back. That’s my incentive, my motivation.”

During the Dub’s nine-game wining streak, Curry has had 76 assists against 20 turnovers, tallying just one turnover in their win against Detroit on Sunday. It looks like Curry really wants his money back.

So whether it’s a simple hand gesture, a small phrase on his shoe, or an incredible turnaround when it comes to turnovers, we thank you, Mrs. Curry!

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