Stephen Curry 2015 NBA Playoff Mix (NBA Champion, HD)

I was 12 when Baron Davis left for the Los Angeles Clippers. I never really understood it, not then, not now, not ever.

Thankfully, the basketball gods sent us Stephen Curry. Everything eventually works out. That pain of BD leaving was alleviated when the Warriors received another special talent in Steph Curry.

When Chris Cohan sold the team to Joe Lacob and not Larry Ellison, I was perplexed. Ellison had the big money. Now I know Cohan’s motives — he just wanted to sell it to someone who was passionate about the Dubs and would put them in position to win. Thanks Cohan.

I’m nothing but grateful as a fan of the Golden State Warriors, even for a guy like Mark Jackson who came in the Warriors organization and helped set the tone for these young warriors.

It’s the process, passing of time, development, and evolution that makes this championship so fulfilling as a fan. There were times when being a Dubs fan looked like no hope and a loss cause, but as a fan you have to keep faith.

All of Curry’s ankle injuries throughout his career had me dumbfounded. I wondered if he would ever get it together and get to show the world his talent. Thankfully he got healthy and sprouted into this mega-superstar of the NBA.

You’re much more appreciative as a fan when you know what the team has been through to get all the way to top. So believe it when they say everything happens for a reason. You have to have faith that things will be better. Things seem to fall in place and work out right. This championship is a dream come true for a fan like me.

Cheers to you, Dubnation! Enjoy this Stephen Curry 2015 NBA Playoff mix!

Until next year, #LetsGoWarriors!

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