POSTGAME: Stephen Curry: “Hey, That’s Seth; Let Me Try To Score Like We Did On The Blacktop”


SLEEP TRAIN ARENA, SACRAMENTO, CA — Picture a backyard hoop and two siblings, roughly six and four years of age, playing one-on-one basketball against each other, taking turns imagining they were NBA players casting shots from all over, to various buzzer-beaters left and right.

Picture the older brother seemingly losing handle of the ball while dribbling. The younger brother closes in on the chase and it looks like Big Bro has lost sight of him.

The ball appears headed towards the bushes and Lil’ Bro gambles, reaching for the steal as Big Bro has his back turned.

But it’s too late. The swipe attempt was already anticipated. The desperation heave has taken flight.


Big Brother beats Little Brother, just before the imaginary horn.

Now fast forward roughly twenty years and here’s that very play happening again between Golden State Warriors point guard Stephen Curry and Sacramento Kings shooting guard Seth Curry:


Only this time, on the planet’s highest level of basketball, Steph tries to split a double-team against opposing point guard Darren Collison with Seth converging.

Steph can’t quite control the dribble and tries to recover, edging closer and closer to the sideline in front of the Kings’ bench.

He’s running out of room. Seth sees possible opening behind Steph’s back, but Steph knows he’s coming. Better launch it and get outta Dodge — even if there’s still eleven seconds on the shot clock and it’s actually not a buzzer-beater.


“It’s kind a surreal because we’ve been doing that since we were four or five in the backyard, back in Charlotte,” Stephen Curry (older brother) said of opponent Seth Curry (younger brother) in a post-game interview with Kings radio announcer Gary Gerould. “Now, to see us both in the NBA, it’s a proud feeling.

“It’s just weird, though, because you see him out there like, ‘Hey that’s Seth; let me try to score like we did back on the blacktop in Charlotte.”

So much to take in for a sequence that is now forever etched in NBA history as merely “Curry 3pt Shot Made (22 PTS)”.

Must have been a dream come true for the family.

“I wish I could play out there with my brother,” Warriors center Festus Ezeli told LetsGoWarriors. “For both of them to be in the league at the same time, for their parents that’s an exciting thing for them to be a part of, to be proud of.”

It was a crazy play even by “The Association’s” standards, but then again this is “Chef Curry” we’re talking about. He pulls rabbits out of hats on the regular.

“I thought he didn’t have (the ball),” said teammate Draymond Green “He just picked it up and shot it. Incredible.”

Big Brother tried a pull-up three against Little Brother in their first head-to-head meeting nearly two weeks ago, but that one hit back-iron, so this would seemingly be the first time in the NBA that Steph scored over Seth.

“He was behind me on that one,” Steph quipped in the post-game media scrum.

Okay, nevermind. Check up!

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(Photo: @letsgowarriors Instagram account via Ezra Shaw/NBAE Getty)

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