Top Secret (#CurryThree?) Shoes Worn By Stephen Curry At Warriors Practice

Brian Spurlock-USA TODAY Sports

WARRIORS PRACTICE FACILITY, OAKLAND, CA — Golden State Warriors point guard and Under Armour headline signature NBA athlete Stephen Curry wore a pair “not-publicly-seen-yet” basketball shoes yesterday at practice:


It was actually the second time in the past couple of weeks we’ve caught a glimpse of what appear to be as-yet-unreleased kicks worn by Curry at the Warriors’ practice facility:


We’re not sure if Curry was deliberately trying to keep his shoes out of direct eyesight that day during the media scrum, wrapping his feet behind the seat’s legs, but he has in the past tested previous Under Armour prototypes at Warriors practices.

We also speculate that Under Armour has deliberately used a darker colorway to hide some of the features of its prototype(s), much like, say, BMW would do when a new vehicle that’s not ready for public consumption is being tested out on the open roads:

Top Secret (#CurryThree?) Shoes Worn By Stephen Curry At Warriors Practice

When we asked Curry yesterday if the shoes he was wearing were “top secret”, he confirmed that they were, so we did not attempt to take closer-up pictures.

While we can describe the shoes with words, we won’t, out of respect for the man. However, we can say that the texture is innovative and quite unique, as you would expect. If this is indeed the #CurryThree, it will be as diverse a progression from the Anatomix Spawn to the Clutch Fit Drive to the #CurryOne to the #CurryTwo as you’ve seen, akin to that of the beginnings (and perhaps in entirety) for Nike‘s Air Jordan series.

Incidentally, we threw in a little heads-up that Googling “Curry Three” could dilute the name of Curry’s next successive signature shoe after the #CurryTwo, which presumably will be dubbed the #CurryThree, but the superstar did mention in response that sneakerheads will probably have no trouble still finding his shoe.

So yes, this article is a bit “much ado about nothing”, but then again it is exciting to see the next generation of Curry’s namesake make a stealth appearance here and there.

Anticipation, after all, is at least half of all marketing — just ask Hollywood! Under Armour: give me a ring if you’re looking for any free advice along those lines…

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