Speights Reveals Warriors’ “Silly Fines” By Draymond For Poor Fashion Choices — Ezeli Leads The Team


WARRIORS PRACTICE FACILITY, OAKLAND, CA — It took some prying, but Marreese Speights revealed to reporters today that the Golden State Warriors players have a “silly fine” of $250 for any poor fashion choices.

“It’s for guys who dress terrible,” said Speights, “Like going on (road) trips, some guys look bad, so they’ll get ‘silly fines.’

The fines can be handed down, apparently by Draymond Green, who often lambastes various teammates on his Snapchat account, for not only fashion faux-pas but also inappropriate dress.

“Like (James) McAdoo had some shorts and a t-shirt going to Chicago,” said Speights. “It was 20 degrees. Draymond gave him a silly fine. Like, ‘You can’t look like that, we’re going to the snow.'”

McAdoo may have been highlighted as a recent example, but the most egregious of offenders so far has been Festus Ezeli, whom Speights said has been fined “four or five times.” This comes as no surprise, as Ezeli has been the butt of jokes from other Warriors players on social media for fashion choices over the past few seasons.

The fines go into a pot where, after shootaround, the team will have a shooting contest from halfcourt. The winner gets the money.

Speights was reluctant at first to give away any such team customs.

“If you don’t know about it, I can’t tell you about it. Gotta keep that in-house,” Speights said.

The ESPN reporter who inquired pushed further.

“C’mon, give me one.”

“Nah, I can’t,” replied Speights. “I can’t remember.”

But then, he spilled the beans.

“I’ll probably get a silly fine now,” Speights said as the interview ended.

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LqrBNNgxODg&w=560&h=315]

(Photo: @letsgowarriors Instagram account via @elliewins via @money23green)

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