The Wolves are Circling

The Wolves are CirclingBig Papi’s pass for being a Red Sox legend came to an end yesterday. Fans and reporters let last year’s lower numbers slide because of the wrist injury. This season he was given all of April to get going again but with the lack of one home run people began to worry. Now that we are in May the pressure will only build on David Ortiz, and last night’s 0-fer did not help. The calls for him to move down in the order have begun, and this will be followed by people saying he is done as a fearsome power hitter. Take a look at what has already been written:

If the first rule of hitting is to trust yourself, Ortiz has been failing at the most fundamental concept of life in the batter’s box. If you cannot hit a fastball in the major leagues, you cannot hit anything because you are vulnerable to anything and everything in any pitcher’s arsenal.

A couple of homers in the next few games will put everyone at ease. However, with each day that Ortiz sits on zero homers and has an average below .250 the wolves will circle a little closer.

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