How Much Longer Can Tito Manage?

How Much Longer Can Tito Manage?Terry Francona had another health issue after yesterday’s game in Minnesota. Throughout his years with the Red Sox he has had back and circulation problems and also has high blood pressure. There are few jobs in sports that come with as much stress as managing the Red Sox and Tito’s health has suffered because of it. Yesterday’s event is a red flag, even if it is being spun as nothing major. Francona may not be able to stay on as the Red Sox skipper for much longer due to the continual strain he is putting on his body. His family and friends have most likely begun to put pressure on him to step aside and I would not be surprised if this is his last season as manager of the Sox.

UPDATE: Rob Bradford of posted this about Francona:

Francona said “when I was on the field I thought i was going down….I thought I was going to pass out…I felt fine today.” Francona was thrown out in the 7th inning after arguing with the homeplate umpire. Fracona said he has never experienced anything so sever in regards to his blood pressure like he did Thursday.

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