Drew Surprised by Leadoff Assignment

WEEI Radio reports that J.D. Drew was caught off guard when told he would be leading off – replacing Pedroia who struggled in the role.

“Honestly, I had no idea I was (hitting leadoff),” Drew said on the WEEI Post-Game Show after the victory. “I was walking off the field from batting practice. (Third-base coach DeMarlo Hale) said, ‘Hey – you’re swinging the bat good, like a good leadoff hitter.’ I said, ‘What are you talking about?’ He said, ‘You’re hitting leadoff.’ I was like, ‘You’ve got to be kidding. I had no idea.’ “I very seldom look up there,” Drew admitted. “I’ve been in the two-hole quite a bit here lately. Really, I don’t know where I’m at until game time most of the time.”

Maybe Drew should check in with FenwayWest. The lineup was posted hours before gametime. That’s right FenwayWest readers, sometimes you know what’s going on before the players on the field do!

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