WATCH: Cowboys fan says F*** Rams on Live T.V.


With the Rams return back to Los Angeles, the spotlight is on the fans if they will be able to not get out of hand with fights during the games. Yes there have been a couple of fights during the first two preseason games, but hey at least we are not the cowgirls.

WATCH:Los Angeles Rams fans fight with Chiefs fan

When the Rams got the first preseason win, ABC7 was live outside the stadium asking fans about the amazing homecoming. Rams fans please do not be this stupid fan. Please live and learn from this video.

This cowboy fan basically proved why they have no class one bit. Stay Classy Dallas.


Let’s go Rams and never say anything stupid on live TV. Who’s House? RAMS HOUSE!

Alex Alarcon is the Founder and Senior Writer at Rams Headquarters Follow him on Twitter @AlexAlarcon49, and on Google+. 

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