Four he’s a jolly good fellow…

scene: My house, immediately following Super Bowl XLIII

*phone rings*

Me: Hello?

Mom: Hi, honey… did you watch the big game?

Me: Of course. Everyone’s here, and we just finished the chili.

Mom: Wasn’t it exciting? With the running and stuff?

Me: Yup. Especially the stuff part, mom.

Mom: I was really hoping that that nice Warner boy would win… You know he loves Jesus, and his wife seems so stylish

Me: Sure…

Mom: That last catch- wasn’t that amazing? I didn’t know that San Antonio  was that good.

Me: Well, you should have. We watched him all through college. He’s a Buckeye.

Mom: Really ? I thought he was from Texas…

Me: No kidding… Wonder why you thought that?

Mom: Well, I wanted to call and say “hi”.  Have fun with the rest of your little party.

Me: Thanks, mom. Enjoy the Mary Tyler Moore re-runs.

Mom (laughing): How did you know? I think this is the crazy one where Lou gets so angry…

Me: Aren’t they all. Bye mom.

end scene

With four days to kickoff, who else but “San Antonio” to get us ready for amazing things yet to come:

Oh, OK. Here’s Herbie’s only highlight- stop emailing me, Corso:

Four more days!!

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