And now, for something completely different

Look, there may be folks out there who don’t have tickets to this week’s game. Or can’t travel  to watch Ohio State. Or live under a rock without cable, satellite dish, DVR, or internet feed (I’m looking at you, Yellow Springs). Or you may wake up to find that your weekend has been planned for you without your knowing.

For these people, Saturdays can be a lonely day of “quality time with the family”, cleaning out the gutters,  and/or craft expositions at the fairgrounds.

Lucky for you, I’ve created a built in excuse to get you away from these “blessings”. All you need to do is tell your special someone that you’re going to see a small-school college football game, to get you “back to the roots of what student athletics is supposed to be” and “enjoy the sights and sounds of campus”.

Then, you can get in the car and drive to your favorite Buckeye Bar and all will be right with the world.

To help with your alibi, each week I’ll highlight a match up from Division 2 or below, give you some background about the institutions, and give you some other talking points should they come up.

And no, this is not a rip off of what Gregg Easterbrook does in the TMQ– He highlights games AFTER the fact, I’m giving you quality information up front. It’s what you’ve come to expect from the BBC.

On to the September 5 matchups: Since this is the first week of the season, let’s look at three games.

In Indiana, we find a Thursday night clash (probably on The Ocho) between D3’s Anderson University Ravens and the NAIA Taylor University Trojans. This season opener is the annual “Clash for the Wagon Wheel”, which found it’s way into Trojan hands for the first time in six years last year.  If you do head to Upland (or get really lost and end up there), I highly recommend Ivanhoes.  Trust me on this.

Should you find yourself in West Virginia (and aren’t being recruited to coach at TTUN), you could do a lot worse than the game between the Bears of Lenior-Rhyne and Concord University’s Lions. Shoot, it’s dollar day– lots and lots of bargains. Be sure you stop by WVa’s only carrillon and enjoy watch the students’ “recognition of the complex interactions between organisms, including human beings, and their environments”. If you encounter Bears fans, ask if their drive from Hickory North Carolina was a good one, and if they’re excited about their second year of University status. Be sure you pronounce it right, though…

I gotta’ be honest… When I saw this on the schedule, I kinda’ hoped it would be a clash of two other titans.

Finally, if you’re feeling a bit hungry this Saturday, you could catch the clash of PACE University and Salisbury University. The PACE Setters (Like a dog. Seriously.) have finally fixed their horrible helmets. PACE has two campuses- Pleasantville NY and Manhattan (New York City?!?), and students can study at either or both of these using the free campus shuttle. They are known for their environmental law program, should you know a spotted owl that wishes to sue someone.

The Setters will strive to score against the Seagulls in beautiful Seagull Stadium (have we seen this before?).  There website has no mention of steak, or or potential famous alumni. Students at this Maryland school are required to sign the “Salisbury University Promise” including a commitment to connect what they learn to how they live.  I guess the rest of us should be thankful that we didn’t promise to use anything from our “Intro to ballroom dancing” class in the rest of our lives.

Hopefully this has given you the information you need to catch a great local game or avoid horrors at home. Even small schools create great atmospheres and memories.  Remember, it’s not the size of the dog in the fight, but the… too soon?

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