Tuesday in SoCal

Well, nevermind. Let’s not even bother. Bring on Toledo.

Wait!” say the imaginary voices in my head. Yesterday you said So, in spite of Vegas and LA’s constituencies, let’s go ahead and play the game, shall we?  I think it will be worth it.’ What’s changed?”

Well, since then I’ve read this-

USC is going to crush the Buckeyes.

Another whipping — along the lines of LSU, Florida and USC disasters of recent vintage — is in order. One can despair in that or hope against hope, but both roads lead to the same destination.

“But why would you listen to the national media and their gallons of hater-ade?” Ah, but they do help provide perspective to the bigger picture, and keep us from being naieve and myopic.  How else would I learn that the Mich1gAAn and Ntre Ame game will be the most interesting matchup of the weekend?

Plus, the quotes above were from the Columbus (OH) Dispatch. You know, the home town paper?

Yeah. Personally, I am a follower of the great Indians manager Lou Brown“Me, I’m for wasting sportswriters’ time. So I figured we ought to hang around for a while and see if we can give ’em all a nice big sh*tburger to eat!”


Today’s LA Times story talks about the revamped Trojan defense, and their need to contain a mobile QB, something that they haven’t done well with historically;

And running quarterbacks have caused trouble for USC in the Carroll era. Kansas State’s Ell Roberson, Virginia Tech’s Bryan Randall, Oregon’s Dennis Dixon and, of course, (Texas QB Vince) Young gave the Trojans problems. Now comes an improved Pryor, running an offense tailored to his talents.

The solution? Tackling.

“He’s a playmaker . . . so this is a week where the emphasis for us has to be on tackling,” USC middle linebacker Chris Galippo said. “No arm tackles. Forceful hitting has to occur or it could be a long game.”

No kidding. That’s the type of hard-hitting journalism we’ve come to expect from the Times.

Elsewheres on the Left Coast, the OC Register chimes in with their assessment of the Ohio State/Navy clash-

If USC goes to Columbus and wins big, the skeptics will say the Big Ten is a joke and that the victory isn’t that impressive. If USC loses, its critics will wonder how such a thing could happen against a team from a joke conference.

Which makes sense, given the proud way the second best team in the PAC-10 represented their conference last week.

Coach Carroll also chimed in that the Trojan’s offensive simplicity on Saturday was more a case of “making it easy on the offense” than it was “now tipping our hand for Ohio State.”

And that’s why he continually gets all the 5* recruits- because he cares that things are easy for his guys.  Well, there are probably other reasons, too.

Oh, and Lendale White? You use the word “our” there. Last I remember, you were getting shut down by Texas, costing “your” team a national championship.

Just sayin’.

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