Happy 3rd Birthday to The BBC

Allow us a moment of celebration….today is our birthday!

During the early stages of the magical 2006 season, I was a big fan of a few different Ohio State blogs, including Men of the Scarlet and Gray, Eleven Warriors, and Around The Oval (which is now an administrative blog for Ohio State academics).  I loved reading the Buckeye blogs, but I wasn’t as involved with them as I would have liked.  But I did LOVE to make highlight videos.

Two days after Ohio State beat Texas 24-7, I posted this video;

That video was pure therapy for me.  I created it and posted it on YouTube and it gave me closure from the 2005 loss to Texas.

The video got a LOT of hits thanks to el Kaiser at MotSag, who posted the following;

I know it was cathartic to watch the Buckeye’s loss to Texas be avenged in convincing fashion, but whoever made this video Jeff is just being mean.

Soon after, Jason at Eleven Warriors embedded the video on his site under the title “Oscar Quality YouTube”

This may be the finest film ever uploaded to YouTube..

The writers and the blogs that I loved were now watching my stuff.  It was an awakening for me.  In the middle of the night before the Penn State game, I decided to start my own blog.

The first posting of The BBC was hosted on blogspot.com and the template was very very basic.  I was thrilled when I found out that it got a half-dozen views.  JD Arney at Around The Oval told me to “keep writing and people will notice”.

So I did.  Again and again.  I created more videos, I began posting stats and observations, I branched out into professional sports and I just kept writing.

Today, The Buckeye Battle Cry has grown more than I ever expected it to.  You know the growth already, you can see it all over this site.  Five excellent writers,  a thriving live-blog, the Big Ten Bloggers, and a plethora of great features and dedicated Buckeye fans reading our stuff have made The BBC the blog I always dreamed it could be.  So I’ve set my goals higher, and we’ll keep growing.

Three years ago today, The BBC began with the help of some friends.  Today, it is succeeding thanks to more friends.

Thank you to my new writers – MaliBuckeye, Jim, Eric, and Dave at The BBC.

Thank you, JD Arney (wherever you are).

Thank you, el Kaiser.

Thank you, Jason.

I couldn’t have done it without you.

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