Phil Jackson’s first tweet is hilariously, awesomely awful

phil jackson

I love the internet for many reasons.  But Phil Jackson’s first tweet is my new #1.  Let’s break it down, shall we?

First, the “zen master” decided his first foray into the social world of Twitter would be a chest-puffing brag-tweet reminding us how freakin’ awesome he is.  Had he actually typed “11 championship rings”, it would have been met with a giant eye-roll from the non-Lakerati.

Yeah, we get it Phil.  COUNT TEH RINGZZZ!!!

But then, he flubbed it.  But why? Did his right hand just slip to the right?  Is this a real life example of the meme “Go home Phil, you’re drunk”?

And now, in pure internet fashion, the pendulum swung from “epic fail” to “awesomely awful.”  Now “Ringhs” is taking on its own life.  I’m sure there will be parody accounts, shirts, and other memes that spring from this.  And the responses to it are almost as good.

This just goes to show… if you’re going to do anything, do it spectacularly and you’ll be remembered for it no matter what.

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