Welcome to the new Frozen Notes

Welcome to the new Frozen Notes

Welcome to the new and improved Frozen Notes! As you might have noticed, things look a little different around here. New banner. New color scheme. New features. All in all, it's a big change and one that might take some getting used to if you've been a reader since the site opened back in 2009 (Unbelievably, there's a few of you out there). 

Why the change? Well, Frozen Notes is no longer a site trying to get by on its own. As of March 21st, Frozen Notes officially joined the Bloguin network. That's right, the site that was hosted and run by yours truly has grown up and joined an expanding network home to some of the biggest and best blogs on the net. 

Things were working fairly well with the old format, but the site essentially reached its ceiling. As it was, Frozen Notes had a pretty small area for content that forced me to use small pictures and even smaller videos. Unfortunately, due to my lack of knowledge in the world of programming and the fact WordPress can be a fickle partner to work with, there wasn't an easy solution to the problem. What you saw on the old Frozen Notes was as good as it was going to get with yours truly running the IT. I grew frustrated with the limitations and the painful steps it took to publish even the simplest of articles. As a result, fewer and fewer articles were appearing on the site. 

Now, Frozen Notes has some pretty sharp minds working behind the scenes not only keeping the site up and running, but also pulling off some programming feats that go well beyond what I've learned.

Aside from the visuals, what else is changing here? Honestly, not much. I'm still running the show – like it or not – and I plan on continuing to bring you my thoughts on anything and everything involving the St. Louis Blues. In fact, now that this change is official (a change that took several months to orchestrate) I hope to ramp up the amount of content the site offers. You've been warned. 

It's rare I post an article that's about my site or myself as an author, so while I have your attention I'd like to thank all of you that made this possible. Amazingly, there's a huge amount of readers that stop by and check out Frozen Notes on a regular basis. There's too many of you to name. I want to thank each and every one of you for helping turn Frozen Notes from an ordinary blog that was haphazardly pieced together into the site you see today. Through this site and through Twitter, I've made incredible connections with many of you, some to the extent where I wouldn't hesitate in referring to you as a friend. 

Thanks for joining me on this journey. I hope you enjoy the new changes and that you stick around for what's to come.

Let's Go Blues!

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