Your Morning Dump… Where Marcus Smart is working on his shot

marcus smart

marcus smart

Every morning, we compile the links of the day and dump them here… highlighting the big story line. Because there’s nothing quite as satisfying as a good morning dump.

“The snow is actually a pretty good thing for me,” he said Saturday, “so I can get up some shots.”

Boston was initially scheduled to visit the 76ers on Saturday, but the game was pushed back to Sunday because of all the snow hitting Philadelphia. The Celtics still aren’t 100 percent sure when they will travel, but have tentative plans for a game-day flight Sunday morning. They decided to practice Saturday on their sudden day off.

Smart stayed after for extra work on his 3-point shot, which has gone in just 19.5 percent of the time this season. If his current pace holds, he will become the only regular in NBA history to take as many threes as he does (3.8 per game) despite that low of a 3-point shooting percentage, according to

MassLive: Marcus Smart likes the snow because it allows him to work on jumper

“It’s just repetition. I haven’t really had time to get in and get up shots,” Smart said, referencing Boston’s hectic January game schedule that’s included playing seven of its last 11 games on the road over little more than a two-week span.

ESPN Boston: Marcus Smart’s snow day plan: 3-point practice

As bad as his shot has been this season, January has been especially unkind to Marcus. He’s attempted 41 3’s this month and made just 6. Ryan Anderson hit 6 3’s just last night.

I’m not going to belabor this point here… Smart’s jump shot is way off, and while I’m going to be more patient with him than I would with Evan Turner, I’m starting to really cringe when a guy shooting 14.6% from 3 this month rises up from deep.

Smart was never really known as a shooter coming into the league, but he’s had no issues letting them fly… which I can understand in today’s game. But unless he simply needs to get more selective with that shot right now. Until he fixes what’s broken, he’s really doing little more than hurting the team by taking so many of these shots, and it’s starting to outweigh the good stuff he can do.

Hey, on the plus side, at least he’s aware of what he needs to work on.

Page 2: It all starts with D

“Definitely. Me and Avery are two aggressive guys on the defensive end, and that’s always a good thing to have because we raise the intensity on the defensive end and kind of get us going on offense,” said Smart, who added that he can sense an increase in the amount of ball pressure, now that both guards are together in the rotation.

“You can feel it. When we play the right way and we’re focused, and we’re in it, we’re turning guys over and frustrating guys. We’re knocking them off what they want to do.”

Herald: Celtics notebook: Pressure is the point

A healthy Smart and Bradley significantly changes this team’s defense (ANALYSIS!) so it’s nice to see these guys out there doing their thing. Having these two guys on the floor can be fun to watch… it’s enjoyable to see other team’s backcourts crumble under their pressure.

The rest of the links:

CSNNE: Stevens: late game timeout strategy varies  |  Herald: Lue says Blatt should coach the All Stars

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