Cooz gushes over Rondo

Cooz rondo

If you don't read this article by Peter May in which Bob Cousy gushes endlessly about Rajon Rondo, we can't be friends anymore.  Here's some of it:

"I've been watching the Celtics for the last 50 years,'' said Cousy, who
retired in 1963 but made a brief, forgettable comeback as a
player-coach with Omaha-Kansas City in 1969. "And Rondo is the first
point guard since moi that I've been really excited about. Bird excited
you, but he wasn't a point guard. JoJo [White] wasn't a point guard.
He's the first since moi to get my attention."

"What more can this kid do? He sees the floor extremely well,'' Cousy
said. "He's even starting to put what my old coach, Doggie Julian, would
call a little French pastry on a play, going behind the back. The kid
is only 24. People talk about the Big Three. But this is the Big One.
The sky is the limit as far as I can see."

Cooz also talks about not even being aware of his stats being kept back when he played… and how he used to get all up in people's faces.

I love Cousy.  And I love the fact that he used "moi" to refer to
himself.  And I love that he called Rondo "The Big One". 

I so want Game 3 to start right now.  Like now now.

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