Your Morning Dump… Where Rondo Checks in… from LA

Every morning, we compile the links of the day and dump them here… highlighting the big storyline. Because there’s nothing quite as satisfying as a good morning dump.

Returning to Los Angeles for the first time since the devastating Game 7 loss in the NBA Finals, Rajon Rondo checked in with at the NBA 2K11 shoot.  Rondo was his normal stoic self (either that or they just dragged him out of bed and pulled him out to the porch of his hotel room judging by the interview) and touched on a few topics.

  • He still considers himself the best PG in the NBA (but says that he’s sure Chris Paul and Deron Williams would also feel the same way about themselves)
  • Looks up to Michael Jordan (who is on the cover of NBA 2K11).  This is interesting considering he claims that he never even saw Jordan play when he was growing up.
  • He will never forget how tough losing in the Finals was, but he’s moved on and will be better from the adversity
  • Doesn’t really care what people say/think about the Miami Heat.  He names other teams in the east that people will be gunning for including Orlando and Cleveland.  Umm, yeah they DEFINITELY just dragged him out of bed.  Cleveland?  Seriously Rondo?
  • He’s looking forward to getting back to LA and “knocking those champions off.”
  • No question was asked about his mysterious departure/experience with Team USA.
  • Kind of odd to end it with the old “Can I choke you now” question, but hey I’m not a professional at giving interviews.

Here’s the video below, judge for yourselves:

The rest of the links:

ESPN Boston:  Snapshot: Erden channels his inner KG  |  Erden Watch: Serbia  |  Herald: Durant’s 38 a powerful tribute  |  Globe: O’Neal (Jermaine) reaching for a ring  |  NESN:  Celtics give back to Boston. help transform Blackstone elementary school  |  NECN:  Wyc says Heat’s moves pushed C’s retooling to a new level  |  Grousbeck: Celtics hope to be part of West’s healing  |  KWAPT: E. Conf. Preview with Buckscast and Audley Stephenson

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