It’s been a tough few games for David Backes. The St. Louis captain has been battered with pucks to the mouth and the details of his injury are nothing short of gruesome. Backes has had a lot of work done and remarkably is still playing through the pain even though he will need additional work in the future.
According to the St. Louis Post-Dispatch, Backes has a series of stitches in his mouth which form the letter V. Backes’ description of his injury is difficult to read.
“I felt like my face was going to fall off, so we got out of there and got some painkillers on board to try to alleviate that. It was a tough night to deal with the pain and have ice on there for most of the night, just trying to get some remnants of a night’s sleep. … It was some of the worst misery I’ve been in.”
As for his teeth, those details are pretty brutal too.
“There’s a few (teeth) that were halfway gone. They didn’t save them, but they rebuilt them and they look like normal teeth. … They did a great job. It’s a temporary fix but it lets me eat well.”
Yikes. If those details don’t make you cringe, nothing will. It’s not clear when Backes will have additional work done, but it doesn’t look like his mouth/teeth are having a negative impact on his level of play on the ice.
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