Enemy Chatter: KG’s eyes bugged out with his mouth wide open


I often wonder what opposing teams, their beat reporters and bloggers are saying about the Celtics after playing the Celtics. Here’s a dose of ‘enemy chatter’ from Toronto.

At one point in the game, Garnett seemed to be doing what looked like his own version of a Bargnani imitation. As the Raptors forward was helped to his feet by a couple of teammates, Garnett was waiting — his eyes all bugged out and his mouth open — staring past the helping Raptors and directly at Bargnani. He even held the stare a few moments just to make sure Bargnani caught it.

“I don’t even think about that,” Bargnani said when asked if he thought Garnett was trying to get inside his head or intimidate him with his antics. “I just think about the game. How can I score on him because he’s a really good defender.”

In fact, Bargnani was complimentary of Garnett despite what appeared to be a direct insult.

But Bargnani wasn’t the only one who didn’t view the facial contortions (or whatever they were) as an insult or an attempt to intimidate.

Sophomore centre Ed Davis said it’s just part of the Garnett act everyone has come to expect.

“That’s just KG,” Davis said. “He plays hard. That’s just who he is. That’s what he does.

Toronto Sun

If anyone had a doubt, Kevin Garnett is ready to go.

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