Twitter Tuesday: On the Road

Twitter Tuesday: On the RoadYears ago, Benjamin Franklin said the following: “in this world nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes”.

In baseball, I’d have to imagine it could be amended to say “in this world nothing can be said to be certain, except rainouts and roadtrips”.

Here are some of my favorite recent tweets regarding the latter.

@Utbaseball30 (Scot Drucker): Last game in Indy today, back to Toledo finally….Someone on the team wore a Justin Beiber shirt to the field today, guess who?

@michael_schlact (Michael Schlact): Forgot how awesome the movie Book of Eli is. Watching it on the bus to Stockton.

@cpettit815 (Chris Pettit): @michael_schlact come on man, nobody wants to be in/near/around Stockton

@jfinch27 (Jennie Finch): Smiling that our bat girl put on Gangstas Paradise on the bus ride back yesterday… Oh it brought back some memories! Good Times!

@cogz4Christ (Chris Coghlan): Never been to Puerto Rico so I am excited for this trip! Plus we get to play the Mets. Gotta make up some ground…

@jonadkinsWV (Jon Adkins): Nice early flight into Norfolk thinking we can get in the bed as soon as we get to the hotel. Not so fast…no rooms ready!! Snuck up on em

@JarrodBParker (Jarrod Parker): Should i buy the new Miley Cyrus CD!?

Start with Bieber…end with Cyrus. Happy Tuesday, gang!

BallHype: hype it up!Twitter Tuesday: On the Road

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