Voice of the Bleacher Creatures is Silenced


Something sounds different at Yankee Stadium.  And, no, I’m not talking about the obvious lack of “Enter Sandman” when Shawn Kelley jogged to the mound to close out the game Monday.

I’m talking about the lack of Bald Vinny.

You know, Bald Vinny, right?  Sure, you do.   He’s the bald guy in sunglasses out in Section 203 who leads the New York Yankees faithful in their daily roll call.

Well, for the first time since May 2009, when the team took the field during their home opener Monday…the de facto leader of the “Bleacher Creatures” wasn’t there.

Why?  Simple…dude got a new gig.

“Today I feel like I’m missing my righthand man,” Section 203 regular Tina Lewis told the New York Daily News Monday. “Vinny made everything a lot easier.”

It was Lewis who, years ago, actually got Bald Vinny (real name Vinny Milano) his start after, believe it or not, his would-be predecessor got a full-time job.

“I had just been laid off thanks to the dot-com bubble burst. I was (at Yankee Stadium) every day because of work with my t-shirt company, so one thing led to another,” Milano told The Hall in 2011. “I was kind of anointed by Tina Lewis, who is our Queen Bee. She is the one who asked me to start and as it turns out…I’m really loud. After that it sorta took on a life of its own.”

But all is not lost, there’s always weekends, right?  I mean, Bald Vinny can’t work every day…can he?


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