Enemy Chatter: KG can get anything he wants


I often wonder what opposing teams, their beat reporters and bloggers are saying about the Celtics after playing the Celtics. Here's a dose of 'enemy chatter' from Atlanta.

Kevin Garnett scares me. Garnett's intensity, as scary and as disturbing as it is, isn't the scariest part. It's that it seems like he can get anything he wants against the Hawks that is scary. Garnett got in good position a lot in the post against anyone who was guarding him (whether it be Smith, Williams, Dampier or Horford), and even when the Hawks defended and contested him well, he still made shots. I was surprised that the Celtics didn't go to him more. He only had 12 shot attempts the entire game, and he made 7 of them.

Peach Tree Hoops

Bingo. Props to Peach Tree Hoops for pointing this out amid all the "praise Al Horford talk."

Doc Rivers will be the first one to say it, KG needs more touches. Garnett's shot totals in the first four games: 19, 13, 18 and 8. Throw out Game 4 – Garnett played 27 minutes in that blowout.

Garnett is going to get more shots in Game 6. Doc Rivers and the Celtics will make adjustments to Larry Drew's adjustments.

Book it.

(Photo by Scott Cunningham/NBAE via Getty Images)

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