If living in Buffalo has taught me anything it is to not get excited over pretty pictures. Every fourth Thursday there is a new idea for a waterfront attraction or a new building downtown only to be shot down by an idiot preservationist or a citizens group advocating for some birds.
However, there is no fear of the Sabres’ new locker room will not be built. In fact, I have little fear that the new locker room won’t be the envy of the entire league and help to attract free agents.
I’m not an architect, so most of the artwork on the rendering means little to me. Based on what I know of the current HSBC layout I can say the term ‘major overhaul’ is a massive understatement. The training, coaches and locker facility looks as if it will be monstrous and somewhat similar to what the Pittsburgh Penguins new room at the Consol Energy Center looks like (based on what 24/7 showed). The visitors facility looks just as impressive, although I’m left wondering where the Bandits will dress.
This is just another example of the Pegula regime not only following through, but hitting a home run with their promises. This is one of the puzzle pieces the organization sees as a step towards building a Stanley Cup winner. They say Mark Cuban spiffed up the visitors locker room to attract players, hopefully the Sabres can strike the same chord with the players who will bring the Cup to Washington and Perry.
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