Book Review: Relentless by Tim Grover & Shari Wenk

If we were searching for one word to describe Michael Jordan, Dwyane Wade, or Kobe Bryant, the word "relentless" would be very fitting.  So it is also fitting that their renowned trainer, Tim Grover of Attack Athletics, has named his latest book Relentless: From Good to Great to Unstoppable.

Reading the book you also figure out very quickly that "relentless" also relates to Grover's personality and drive. Grover's relentlessness landed him Jordan as a client in the early days, and he hasn't stopped pushing since then.  Relentless (the book) teaches you Grover's philosophy on how to live life to it's fullest, whether you are an athlete, a parent, an executive, or whatever you want to excel in.  For basketball fans, it's an unprecedented inside look into the minds of highly driven athletes like Jordan and Kobe and how they reached the heights they reached in their careers.  An informative and inspiring book.

Grab a copy here:


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