Gamecock Club becoming a ‘elite’ club

The University of South Carolina Board of Trustees in a special Memorial Day meeting approved a dues increase for the athletic booster club that is expected to raise nearly $8 million the next five years.

The increase will be phased in starting in 2008.

Other increases from 2008 to 2012:
• Century, $150 to $250
• Roundhouse, $350 to $575
• Half-scholarship, $650 to $1,050
• Full scholarship, $1,350 to $2,200
• Silver Spur, $3,000 to $4,850
• Garnet Spur, $7,000 to $8,500
• Golden Spur, $10,000 to $12,000
• Platinum Spur, $15,000 to $18,000

USC has about 14,000 Gamecock Club members, who are projected to raise $13,965,400 in 2007. With the increases, that figure is expected to go to $21,846,605, according to figures provided to the board. (What about out of those 14K the people that drop???? B/c it is getting too high a cost to be a member)

It is only the second dues increase since 1966. The increase will help fund Hyman’s planned $194.9 million facilities plan, which includes a new academic learning center as its top priority.

Alright, so now it is going to cost an “arm and a leg” to be a member. Not to mention the parking and ticket prices keep going up… not to mention every open piece of land is now being bought up to make way for expensive tailgate spots (i.e 20k for a 8 by 8 space)

What do you guys think? Seems the football program is forgetting the important ingredient in a successful program and that is fan base. And I mean true “fans” not those that have money to burn and it is cool now to be a Carolina fan since Spurrier arrived. Don’t get me wrong I know you have to put your money where your mouth is and have to “keep up with the jones’s” in the SEC but let’s not leave behind the true fans.

What about the true fans that have been there from the start? I think we need to slow this race horse down a little or think about a poor man’s gamecock club. Maybe us poor fans can park in O-burg and walk to the nose bleed section together?


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