We Have Been .Com’ed

We Have Been .Com'ed


Is that anywhere close to being correct? Maybe it’s “.comed”? I have no idea.

Whatever the hell it is, we’ve got it now. From now until the end of time you will be able to find this here blog at BarryMelroseRocks.com (unless we forget to pay the rent). Actually that’s probably a generous estimate, but if this blog ever changes servers or whatever, you’ll be able to find it at that address.
It’s not really a change for those of you who use a feed reader. For those of you who visit the blogspot website to read my rants, please update your bookmarks.

There you have it — we’re slowly but surely conquering the world. First it was FanHouse, now a .com and soon the Eastern United States. Maybe by 3288 Mullet Nation will be a world power. Maybe. I wouldn’t bet on it. _uacct = “UA-1868762-1”; urchinTracker();

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