Spurrier gets his wish – USC approves changes to admissions policy

The University of South Carolina has come up with a policy on special admits designed to streamline a process that head football coach Steve Spurrier lashed out at in early August after two recruits weren’t admitted despite meeting NCAA standards.

The changes were approved last week by USC President Andrew Sorensen, Provost Mark Becker said today. USC has annually allowed up to 100 special admits — students with special talents, including athletes but also musicians and others in the arts, who don’t meet its general admission standards.

This is great news and will send a signal out to possible recruits that USC means business when it comes to football and I know it brings up the argument that academics should be more important to a university but let’s be realists here….it is the south, it is the SEC, it is college football, it is a multi-million dollar business, it is USC and we need to string together many years of winning, the prior system hurt us, but most important is – it is Spurrier and as long as he is Coach of the Gamecocks the University will do all it can to give him want it wants to keep him happy….thoughts?


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