Sad That Yahoo/Rivals Drops College Baseball Coverage

Sad news for college baseball fans as Kendall Rogers and Aaron Fitt both reported today via their twitter accounts that Yahoo, the parent of Rivals, is dropping their coverage of college baseball.  Big blow to the sport as a whole.

We enjoyed keeping up with Kendall Rogers as the USC Gamecocks won the College World Series and the national championship.  Taking a step back, I can see why this decision was made as I am sure it was not a big revenue generator.  Simply a money issue when you boil it down, which is unfortunate because it was always a well-traveled site during college baseball season.

Good news is the Kendall Rogers has started a blog – –  where he will continue to post good content on college baseball so do check it out.  We mentioned Aaron Fitt and he can still be read over at his site – .  For USC baseball news, we will continue to keep you covered so check with us in the future.

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