NCAA Baseball Tournament seeded like Basketball Tournament

College Baseball gives 8 national seeds and groups everyone into 4 team regionals with seeds 1-4 in each regional.  That makes it difficult to compare many of the regionals for the casual fan.  Most fans are more familiar with with the way the NCAA basketball tourney seeds teams 1-16.  With a 64 team field, it wasn’t too difficult to infer what this bracket would look like if it was 1-16.

Using the national seeds as our guide, we could infer that South Carolina would be like a 2-seed playing 15-seed Manhattan.  Clemson would be the 7-seed and Coastal Carolina would be the 10-seed.  Here is the whole bracket.

Want to know why some teams are angry?  Mississippi State won the SEC tournament and was awarded the equivalent of an 8 seed.  Kentucky was a lock for a 3 or 4 seed and got bumped to the 6 line.

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