Haas: The Power Of Fandom



It’s now been a few days since the NHL’s trade deadline and, for the most part, emotions have settled down. Fans of all teams have had an opportunity to get a little more back story on the individual deals that were made. This includes the most scandalous deal: Martin St. Louis gets his wish and is traded to the New York Rangers. (Photo/Susan Ferlita)

There have been dozens of articles written about the deal. They range from the inherent emotions, Marty’s very fast fall in the eyes of Lightning fans, what it means for both teams in the hockey sense and more. One thing has stuck out  in particular: the united front of Lightning fans in handling this trade quite well.

Things would not have gone this smoothly just a few seasons ago. The fanbase, with little to go on or look forward to, would be universally mourning Marty’s departure like the dumpee in a relationship. While there is a certain aspect of mourning occurring, the extremely bright future of this team has allowed the fans to dismiss St. Louis in a “if you want to leave, then leave” fashion.

Thursday’s game against Buffalo was called the beginning of a new era. Marty wanted to write a new chapter and Lightning fans have been doing just the same – and it’s exciting to watch the future unfold.

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