08/21: Anyone Surprised the Bullpen Blew It? Anyone?

Cory Lidle (9-9, 4.64) @ David Wells (2-2, 6.06)
New York Yankees (73-49) @ Boston Red Sox (69-54)
1:05 PM EDT in Boston, Massachusetts (Fenway Park)

AUGUST 21, 2006
TV: ESPN2 (not that you want to watch) | RADIO: WEEI 850 (or listen)

08/21: Anyone Surprised the Bullpen Blew It?
      Anyone? PRIOR GAME AGAINST OPPONENT: Yankees 8, Red Sox 5 on 8/20/06
DECISION: W: Mariano Rivera | L: Craig “Slowly Being Permanently Scarred” Hansen
STAR OF THE GAME: My mother, for going to bed when the Sox were leading.

GAME NOTES: Excellent team you’ve built, Theo. Long-term/short-term plan be damned – the bottom line is you’ve shown us you can craft an offense, but you can’t craft pitching. Funny, since you say games are won on pitching – try following your own advice.
David Riske for Javier Lopez. Josh Bard and Cla Meredith for Doug Mirabelli. Working out swimmingly.
That being said, the only thing I would have done different is bring in Papelbon immediately. He did handle Timlin right – pulled him when he should have, brought in who he should have – but how can Tito look good when his pitchers simply don’t execute? (On the flip side, maybe Tito should stop worrying about the outcome of tomorrow’s game and focus on winning the current game.)
Whatever. Stick a fork in it. It’s probably for the best, now we can start preparing for 2007. But I doubt that any of the veterans are too happy with Theo right now. Sometimes, Theo, the longterm plan needs to be set back a couple of years to win – now. Who knows if your longterm plan will even work? David Ortiz is a monster NOW, and I doubt he will be this insane in four years. Take advantage of it.
David Ortiz has been calling for help for three days now. Don’t you think you should provide it?

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