10 reasons why the Redskins just may beat the Patriots

10. Tom Brady’s 2007 QB rating: 137.9. Tom Brady’s career QB rating: 91.8. I’d be willing to bet that he can’t keep it up all season.
9. The Redskins have been outstanding at defending second and third receivers this year. One of the Patriots’ big strengths this season has been utilizing Wes Welker and Donte Stallworth in the passing game. Think about an offense that is reliant on spreading the ball around and having either the primary or secondary receiver open. Now imagine two receivers on that offense being rendered irrelevant. How effective can an offense be when two of it’s favorite targets are defended closely all day?
8. Now 6 games in, a lot of the early season misconceptions this team had about itself are bound to be ironed out. The reliance on the running game to set up the passing game likely won’t be in the game plan this week.
7. The Patriots haven’t lost yet. Any flaws these players had (and trust me, they are there), and Bill Belichick has attempted to iron out may simply have been hidden. Sport psychologists know that the single most effective method of correcting behavior is defeat. The Redskins have felt defeat this year. The Patriots have not, and to be a serious super bowl contender, they will have to feel some sort of legitimate threat from another team at some point.
6. From the Patriots perspective, the Redskins have to be one of the toughest games on their schedule. They have the Colts right after this game, and the Steelers down the road a ways. They are a team that plays in the worst division in the NFL, and doesn’t get tested in the regular season all that much. How will they match up against one of the better teams they will see this year?
5. Casey Rabach and Marcus Washington return this week. Mike Pucillo was overmatched playing as the starting center last week, and more than once the Redskins completely blew a protection due to a confusing line call. Neither problem will be an issue this week with Rabach back. Randall Godfrey filled in for Marcus Washington pretty well, but his athleticism will only go to improve an already strong pass defense this week. His task: cover Ben Watson.
4. The Redskins run defense has shot down 3 of the leagues most efficient running attacks already. The Giants had the most success, but the Eagles and Dolphins found themselves hapless against the Redskins rush defense. The Patriots, along with the Eagles, Dolphins, and Giants, all rank in the top 10 in the NFL in yards per carry. No team has figured out where to attack the Redskins rush D yet, so theres no reason to think the Pats will buck the trend this week.
3. The Pats rush D has been good, but not great. It will be important for the Redskins to shorten the game with runs to make sure that Brady gets fewer attempts to beat them. It’s more important that the Redskins convert these running plays for first downs. The Redskins have been abysmal in 3rd and short, but the Pats D really hasn’t been all that much better. Running the ball in 3rd and short could improve offensive efficiency this week.
2. Jason Campbell. His completion percentages by week this season: 57.1, 55.2, 47.1, 79.3, 56.8, 66.7. We’ve seen some improvement from him, and I expect this trend to continue especially as Santana Moss gets involved again.
1. The scary good pass defense. These guys made up the worst pass defense unit of the decade last year, remember that? No you don’t. Sean Taylor has intercepted passes in each of his last 4 games, giving him 5 on the year. Shawn Springs is healthy, and don’t look now, Carlos Rogers is developing into a shut down type player. He’s still got a ways to go, but will get some shots against Randy Moss this week. I would expect the Patriots to attempt to attack Laron Landry this week. If there is a weakness in our secondary, that’s it. But if the Pats are forced to get away from their gameplan, something they have not yet had to do this year, it could be a long day for Tom Brady, and more importantly, a victory for Washington.

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