#11 Ohio State Gives #24 Nebraska a Less Than Warm Welcome, 82-68

#11 Ohio State Gives #24 Nebraska a Less Than Warm
      Welcome, 82-68
Amber Stokes battles for a loose ball during Ohio State's win over Nebraska.

Sorry for being so slow in posting this, I ended up in the hospital last night due to some complications from having my gall bladder removed on Tuesday.  Fortunately a great way to feel better is to watch Ohio State beat a ranked team.  Last night Nebraska came to Columbus for the first time as amembers of the Big Ten, if they were expecting a warm welcome, they were in for a surprise.

The two teams opened by trading baskets before Ohio State used 8 straight points to take a 13-6 lead six minutes into the game.  Both teams then went cold for the next few minutes but Nebraska was the first to regain their touch as the Cornhuskers scored 7 unanswered to tied the game at 13.  The two teams went back to trading baskets and the Buckeyes led 29-27 with four and a half minutes left in the half.  At this point OSU scored 6 straight to extend their lead to 35-27.  The two teams would then coast into the half with the Buckeyes holding a 41-35 lead.

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