11’s in the Air for Kenny McKinley on Saturday

Today the University of South Carolina announced they will honor Kenny McKinley before the kick-off of the Alabama game on Saturday with a moment of silence.  This is well deserved and this step by the University is to be appalauded.  KMac was a great football player and also a great person.  His sudden death was way too soon.

A friend of this blog had a idea that I ask all Gamecocks fans and Bama fans to do during this moment of silence.

The person responsible for the idea is @JNickNC  and here is his idea…

Gamecock fans:

Right after the moment of silence on Saturday for Kenny McKinley, hold up your first two fingers in the air for a few seconds. Just like the peace sign, but closer together. Pretty close to an “11.”

Hold your “11” up high as a unified symbol of love for Kenny and support for suicide prevention and mental health awareness in South Carolina.

Let’s never forget No. 11. And starting Saturday, let’s begin to build on his legacy.

11 Up. For Kenny. Go Gamecocks!

I will add my two cents to this by saying do this gesture during the moment of silence and until the start of “2001” if able.

PLEASE pass this along either to friends and spread it…. you can mention this blog post or ‘s site that he put this idea on paper.

Here is the site – http://11upforkenny.blogspot.com/

So on Saturday, put those “11’s” up in the air!

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