2012 NBA Draft Profile: Andre Drummond

Andre Drummond
Connecticut – Freshman (Born 1993)
6’10” 270lbs

The Good:

– NBA size and athleticism
– rumoured 7’5″ wingspan
– good shot blocker
– good rebounder (especially on the offensive end)
– has enormous potential due to his age, size, athleticism
– very mobile for a player his size
– has good hands
– upside, upside, upside

The Bad:

– extremely inconsistent
– often plays passively – lacks necessary aggressiveness/desire
– offensive game is a work in progress
– horrendous free throw shooter (29.5%)
– will be nothing more than a project his first few years in the NBA
– awkward shooting technique

NBA Comparison:

Andrew Bynum – Bynum was also an extremely young, raw manchild when he first entered the NBA.  But Drummond could just as likely end up a Kwame Brown/Hasheem Thabeet style bust.

The Skinny:

Andre Drummond failed to live up to his immense hype in his sole year in college, but that might not stop him from going second overall in this year’s draft.  Players with his combination of size, strength and athleticism just don’t come around very often, and given a few years time (and someone lighting a fire under his butt), Drummond could be one of the best centers in the NBA.  Or he could be out of the NBA.

For more NBA draft player profiles, visit our 2012 NBA Draft Consensus Mock Draft


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