April Ross is a cool lady


April Ross

Look at her, being all awesome and everything

On the encouragement of someone I know on a non-volleyball related internet forum, I dipped my toe a little further into twitter. Happen to notice that April Ross has started a WordPress blog.

Go check it out. Go on, I'll wait ๐Ÿ˜›

All right, it's not too content-heavy just yet, but she did just launch it today (what did this blog look like on its first day? Not much).

Anyway, I saw her post about it on twitter, re-tweeted it for all 8 of my followers (only 3 of whom are actually volleyball fans, and as such probably follow April themselves), and made sure to give her a follow here on WordPress, too.

She gave me a little tweet-back on the twitter machine to say thanks, which I promptly slobbered all over as well ๐Ÿ˜‰ And she also replied to my comments on her WP blog and gave me a follow here for The Net Set!

I know it was just 5 minutes out of her time to do all those things, and that she's just a person same as I am, but still, it's personal touches like that win you fans forever. As if I wasn't already ๐Ÿ˜›

So thanks a lot April. You brightened my day ๐Ÿ™‚

(now everybody go follow her WP blog!)

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