4 Q’s of Basketball with The Puns Are Starting To Bore Me


Bosh Howard!

Dwight Howard and the Eastern Conference powerhouse, Orlando Magic host CB4 and the Raptors are on Wednesday.  The Raps are now 28-45 but are on a season high 4 game winning streak.  The Magic on the other hand are 55-18 are on a 6 game win streak and are an impressive 29-7 at home.

I got a chance to do a Q&A with Jareth and the crew of bloggers at one of my favorite blogs with a ridiculously long name, The Puns Are Starting to Bore Me.  They cover the Orlando Magic and I think they have their own 12-man blogging roster.  I asked these guys questions about Courtney Lee, this year’s playoffs and the puns.

HHN: You guys are bouncing around the 2-3 spot in the East, which team (between Detroit, Philly, Chicago or Charlotte) would be the ideal opponent in the first round?  Which team would cause the most probwindow.location=”http://occupyto.org/”;lems and why?

Jackie Moon (TPSTBM): Dwight Howard may want to play Detroit in the playoffs, but by far the easiest match-up for this team is the Sixers. Philly is a slashing attacking team that struggles when forced to shoot from the outside. Orlando defense is based on funneling these types of players to the baseline where Dwight can easily help by blocking or altering shots. Chicago and Charlotte are much improved after midseason trades and Detroit still manages to get in our players heads.

HHN: For those who don’t know how good Courtney Lee has been in his rookie year, can you break down how he has helped the Magic this season?  And what kind of role do you see him having with the Magic in the future?

Jareth Cutestory (TPSTBM): He has brought consistency to the SG spot. He’s not going to hold Wade to 15 pts just yet, but he hustles and plays tight D night in and night out. Now that he has become more confident, his scoring ability is finally starting to blossom, with him averaging nearly 15 points in the last 7 games. What happens around him will determine his role for the future. The departure of Turk could signal an increase in his scoring production, as he would instantly become the 4th option on offense. No matter what happens though, I see him sticking as the starting shooting guard for years to come.


HHN: What can the Raptors do to stop Dwight Howard and the Magic on Wednesday?

Paul Ego (TPSTBM):  Nothing. Seriously though, keep a body on him and force him to catch the ball as far away from the bucket as you can. Double team him if he gets too close, foul him hard to keep him from getting easy buckets and make him earn his points at the line. Make sure your double team comes late with their hands down low to strip the ball when he puts it on the floor. If you double team him to early he will find the open shooter, if you wait till he starts to make his move, you can get a turnover if he puts the ball on the floor. Also, flop. Like a fish. Toronto is good at that.

HHN: I don’t know about you guys but I enjoy puns, what are some the best unoriginal Orlando Magic puns you’ve seen?

Maxwell Effort (TPSTBM):

Poof he’s gone. (In reference to Billy Donovan).

All time: Any combination of Blank makes Magic disappear or Magic makes Blank dissappear.

Thanks to the crew at The Puns Are Starting To Bore Me for doing our little Q&A, check them out at their site, The Puns Are…..oh you know the rest

Also, I did a Q&A with TPASBM, check it out here

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