Friday 5 (Oscar Edition): Casey Bond

Friday 5 (Oscar Edition): Casey Bond

Tonight’s the night, baseball fans.  Soon, we’ll know if “Moneyball” will go six-for-six (a even Derek Jeter has never accomplished), or, well…come home with anything at all.

Enter Casey Bond. 

Like Stephen Bishop, who played David Justice in “Moneyball” , Bond also played a former member of the Oakland Athletics in the Oscar nominated film.  Bond played submarine-throwing reliever Chad Bradford. 

I caught up with Bond on the eve of the Academy Awards and asked him how he would rank his all-time favorite baseball movies.

1.  Moneyball  (2011, directed by Bennett Miller)

2.  Bull Durham  (1988, directed by Ron Shelton)

3.  The Sandlot  (1993, directed by David M. Evans)

4.  Field of Dreams  (1989, directed by Phil Alden Robinson)

5.  For Love of the Game  (1999, directed by Sam Raimi)

Casey Bond is no stranger to baseball.  The actor was actually drafted by the San Francisco Giants in 2007.  You can follow him on Twitter at @CaseyBond, keep tabs on him over at Facebook or, imagine that…check out his personal website.

Lastly, I’m a big “Bull Durham” guy…but what about you?  What are your favorite baseball movies?

Friday 5 (Oscar Edition): Casey Bond
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