2010-11 Season Ticket Prices

2010-11 Season Ticket Prices

The prices for season tickets in 2010-11 have been released and buyers should expect to shell out more money this year for their seats.

2010-11 Season Ticket PricesTicket prices are on the rise and the increases will be most noticeable to season ticket holders with seats in the upper level of the Scottrade Center.

For all season ticket info: 2010-11 Season Ticket Info and Prices

Fans will never be happy when the price to attend games increases but this situation must be looked at from a greater scope. Prices to attend Blues games the past several years have been ridiculously low and amongst the most affordable when compared to other NHL ticket prices. Even with the bump in price, the Blues still have one of the most affordable plans around the league.

To place a competitive team on the ice and take on larger contracts, the Blues need to raise prices as the current plan in place limits what offers this team can make big name stars. It’s very unlikely that all the youngsters would be retained and the Blues would be able to address their other needs under the old prices – a harsh reality of the modern game.

Fans should take the increase in stride. It is tough to stomach seeing how badly the Blues played on home ice last season, but they should know their prices are still well below what you would find in a different market.

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