A Year of Talkin’ Baseball: 2011

A Year of Talkin' Baseball: 2011

A “Bleacher Creature”, a Hall of Famer and two ballhawks.  Individually, they mean precious little, but collectively, they’ve each touched the collective heart of this website.

And much like last year, I take great pleasure in bringing you the best of what has become my favorite part of doing this site…talkin’ baseball with whoever will respond. 

Click the BOLD text to read the entire Kato-free piece!

Hall Favorite JOSE CANSECO…Almost (January)

Do you work for free because I don’t if you want your rating to skyrocket then negotiate a deal with me I am the only 1 that really knows what was really going on

And speaking of Canseco (I know, I know), two of the biggest stories to come from his stint as the manager of the Yuma Scorpions was his hiring by team General Manager JOSE MELENDEZ (May) and the on air resignation of Lake County Fielders announcer QUMAR ZAMAN (July).

“Survivor” Hall of Fame Creator GORDON HOLMES (February)

I’m going with the alliance that is going to put a million dollar check in my pocket. I’m going to start off with Cardinals manager Tony LaRussa. While I’m making good with the rest of the tribe, he’ll be off going over every possible jury combination. When he would interact with the tribe, they’d hate him because he wouldn’t take off his sunglasses under any circumstances.

Hall of Famer ANDRE DAWSON (April)

Well, Barry (Bonds) did what he did (but) the record probably is tainted as a result of the steroid scandal. Hank Aaron was a guy that I idolized growing up because his journey to get to where he was and how he accomplished what he did. To me, he’ll always be the all-time home run king.

Third Generation Broadcaster JOSH CARAY (April)

The people who “expect” me to be another Harry/Skip/Chip are generally people who don’t know this industry and all the politics that go into it. My grandfather and father could get away with a lot of things that I cannot.

Former First Round Pick JOSH BOOTY (June)

Shaq is a bud…a great guy that everyone loves. He used to come by my apartment in college and it scared my Jack Russell terrier to death when he walked in. My dog would bark non-stop.

My Favorite Ballhawks TIMMY ANDERSON (August) and ZACK HAMPLE (October).

I’d like to have my hands on a milestone homerun, whether it be from Bonds or someone’s 500th or 600th. Imagine having a Babe Ruth homerun ball? Wow.

“Bleacher Creature” BALD VINNY (July)

My only feat of strength is that I’m a loud motherf*cker. I was kind of anointed the job by Tina Lewis, who is our Queen Bee. She is the one who asked me to start and as it turns out…I’m really loud. It was “you did a really good job yesterday…do you want to do it today?” “Okaaaaaay.” After that it sorta took on a life of its own.

VH1’s “Baseball Wives” Husband KRIS BENSON (December)

Anna’s in her element. She was the first wife to make it cool to follow sports wives and for players wives to pose in magazines and spreads. Now everyone does it! Google it up.

In addition to the cast of characters above…I also touched base with three of my favorite baseball writers…MATTHEW SILVERMAN (April), DAN EPSTEIN (May) and JEFF PEARLMAN (October).

But, I think my favorite posts are the ones that include personal favorites.  WGN’s NICK DIGILIO offered up his favorite baseball movies (September) and, for no reason, Tampa Bay Rays superstar SAM FULD shared his favorite superhero (June) and holiday films (December).

Which was your favorite?  Please sound off in the comments section below!

A Year of Talkin' Baseball: 2011 

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